The future of intelligent illumination.
Simple anywhere. Simply everywhere.

EA Connect Cluster 3


At BEGA, we are always thinking of lighting in the context of the architecture to be illuminated. It is all about the interplay of the two, the connection. That is why we created an Architectural Lighting Management System (ALMS) with a simple, descriptive name: BEGA Connect.

It expands the possibilities of professional light control and combines light and architecture into one holistic concept. A concept that is continuously adapting and evolving while taking advantage of the latest technologies like the Narrowband Internet of Things (Narrowband IoT).

BEGA Connect opens up countless possibilities for you to use smart light to showcase both smaller lighting installations and large illumination projects. And it allows you to can control, plan and monitor individual luminaires via a modern and intuitive app – from any location.

BEGA Connect simplifies complex systems for beginners and experts alike. Reliability and security: meeting the highest standards, with all your data on cloud servers in Germany in accordance with strict German data protection laws.

BEGA Connect eröffnet Ihnen unzählige Möglichkeiten, sowohl kleinere Lichtinstallationen als auch große Beleuchtungsprojekte mit smartem Licht in Szene zu setzen. Und das von überall: Über eine moderne und intuitive App steuern, planen und überwachen Sie einzelne Leuchten von jedem beliebigen Standort.

BEGA Connect macht Komplexes simpel, sowohl für Neueinsteiger als auch Experten. Beständig und sicher: Nach den höchsten Standards und mit allen Ihren Daten auf Cloud-Servern in Deutschland gemäß den strengen deutschen Datenschutzgesetzen.

Cast your architecture in the perfect light

Cast your architecture in the perfect light

Create scenarios with BEGA Connect and customise your system according to your situation and individual ideas.

Remote access and monitoring

Remote access and monitoring

The BEGA Connect app allows you to set up, control and monitor your lighting installation from anywhere in the world.

Simple light management

Simple light management

It has never been easier, quicker or more intuitive to design and control your outdoor lighting.

DALI meets IoT

DALI meets IoT

The BEGA Air Connector enables you to connect even the most remote lighting installation to the BEGA Connect platform via the Internet of Things (IoT) in no time at all.

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No fees

BEGA Connect offers reliability from the start: You only have to invest in the hardware – no fees are charged for use of the control system.

DALI is online. Everywhere.

Control your lighting installation as simply and with as much flexibility as never before. No DALI expertise required. No unnecessary complications. All it takes is one component to make your project cloud-ready.

Integrate your lighting system into the existing IP infrastructure with the DALI Connector and maintain an overview even with large installations thanks to cloud clustering of multiple connectors.
The Air Connector provides an internet connection via narrowband IoT – even in places where an online connection is hard to come by: in the most remote locations and behind thick walls.

Your way into the cloud

Dali is online

Intuition is everything.

BEGA Connect means: focusing on what's important, simple and intuitive. The sophisticated user interface of the BEGA Connect mobile and web app is straightforward and easy to use even without prior technical knowledge.

Once the electrical installation is complete, the intuitive BEGA Connect app guides you through the configuration comprising only a few steps – complex technical decisions are made automatically in the background.

You then have all illumination options at your disposal – governed by a superior utilisation concept that is unrivalled in the professional sector.

Learn how intuitive BEGA Connect is

BEGA Connect Mobile App

The mobile app for Android and iOS on devices like smartphones or tablets is ideal for initial on-site setup and configuration of a system. Afterwards, the entire system can be controlled easily and intuitively using the app.

Apple App StoreDownload on the App StoreGoogle Play StoreGet it on Google Play

BEGA Connect Web App

For convenient and clear management of your lighting systems, you can use the browser-based web app on any device wherever you are. This enables you to make extensive adjustments to large systems on a full-screen display for convenience and easy visibility."

Start web app

EA Connect Cluster 4

No follow-up costs
during the service life

Full transparency from the start: The use of BEGA Connect is permanently free of charge – there are no hidden subscription fees, and you won’t be charged runtime costs based on use.

Invest in economical, reliable hardware once – then BEGA Connect is and remains your reliable control system. Without follow-up costs That’s what we call 100% dependable calculation.

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BEGA Connect.
Connect with BEGA.

Do you have any questions, or would you like personalised advice about BEGA Connect? Then contact us by phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you.

Telephone+49 2373 966-203

Mail Icon[email protected]

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